
  They did modify her meds, and over the next few days she improved. I had found a pair of her glasses when I was going through some boxes of her things. I brought them with me. She was excited to get them and put them on right away. She flipped through a magazine, picking out the words she was still able to read. She was proud of herself and I was proud of her too.

The activities director was a very happy guy. he always got the residents smiling. His excitement was contagious. He had taken a special liking to my mother. He involved her in as much as he could. He found projects for her and little jobs she could do.

At this point she thought she worked there. It was cute. She really enjoyed him a lot. One of the things she did every day was push the activity cart down the hall to the storage closet when everything was packed back up on it.

Marcos, the activities guy, was feeling especially playful this particular day and had found a sombrero somewhere. He got my mother to wear it for a picture. This was a huge thing, since my mother up to this point had refused to put anything on her head. They posed for a couple of photos together. It was a happy day and I will always remember it.  These are the days it is important to hold onto. Just seeing this picture always makes me smile. I am grateful for Marcos and for all that he did for my mother. 


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